History Bite #10

Knights- the tough guys of the Battlefield: but how did a man become one?

Training started between the ages of 7 and 14 and the trainee was known as a Page. The young boy would be educated in Languages, Heraldry, Mathematics, Religious studies, Geography, Politics and the Chivalric Code. A huge emphasis was also placed upon sports and physical fitness including the building of strength and stamina. As well as being in service to his sponsor or Lord (who would be a Knight), his duties also included serving Lords and their Ladies at banquets. A close relationship usually developed between a Page and his Lord ensuring loyalty and friendship which would be expected to last for life.
Pages trained with wooden or blunted weapons such as the two-handed sword, battle axe, hammer, mace, dagger and lance. He would also have recieved intense training at tilting and jousting- at first piggy-backing upon another Page or servant, then onto a towed wooden horse on wheels where he would learn to couch, lunge and deliver a deadly accurate strike. Once competent he would move on to training seated upon ponies and then war horses. He would also be instructed on swimming, climbing, stone throwing, javelin, archery and wrestling.

Between the ages of 14 and 21 the Page would become a Squire where his skills were further refined. In horsemanship he would commence training using the quintain and heavy lance by “running at the rings”. He would also train with the Quarterstaff, learn the art of battlefield tactics amd siege warfare- uncluding the use of heavy weapons such as the trebuchet and mangonel along with the later bombards, mortars and cannons. He would learn about the principles of undermining to collapse fortress walls.
The Squire would also start to experience warfare, assisting his Lord on campaign. Should his Lord be injured upon the battlefield, it was the Squire’s job to protect and rescue him. He would be armed on campaign with a knife and possibly either a bow, spear, crossbow or small axe. A Squire would also be trained in medicine and first aid, foraging and hunting, and be tested under duress to learn to cope with extremes such as heat, cold, hunger, thirst and exhaustion.
As a Squire progressed through training he would be expected to start competing in tournaments to earn money and gain a reputation as a fighter.

Once training was complete his Lord would sponsor him through to the Ceremony of Knighthood- which also meant honouring the Squire with the gift of a sword.
The ceremony started with a ritual bath which was to cleanse both his soul and his body. He would then be dressed in a plain white gown to represent purity and sit a vigil in front of the church altar upon which the sword and his shield would be placed. The night would be spent in contemplation, reflection and prayer. His sponsor would place a red gown upon the Squire’s shoulders to represent nobility and the blood of Christ. He would also wear black shoes or hose to represent death.
In the morning he is joined by other Knights and Squires to hear Mass and a sermon about the duties of a Knight. The Sponsor would then take the sword and shield from the altar and the priest would bless them. Next, the Squire swears an oath of allegiance to his Lord and makes his vows. He would swear never to traffic with traitors, never give evil council to a Lady be she married or single, to always respect and defend a Lady- both physically and in matters of honour, to observe all fasts and Holy Days and to hear Mass every day.
The Squire’s Lord would then present him with his sword and shield and slap him across the face with either hand or the flat of his own sword along with words such as “may this be the last last blow thou shalt recieve without retaliation. I dub thee Sir….”
The sponsor would then strap a pair of gilt spurs to the newly sworn Knight’s ankles and make a great show of strapping his new sword to his waist.

Our 7 year old boy is now a fully trained Knight- a skilled and seasoned warrior, a professional soldier. One of the toughest men in Europe and a recognised member of the elite… He is at the peak of physical fitness and completely dedicated to his cause- preferring death to dishonour.
He is a fearsome war machine.

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